Transformational Leadership of Administrators Affecting School Effectiveness under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
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This research studied the transformational leadership of administrators, school effectiveness and the relationship between them to discover the prediction and predictive power of this leadership under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Data were collected from 115 executives and 312 teachers, at a total of 427 participants. A questionnaire was constructed into 2 parts; transformational leadership and school effectiveness, with the reliability of 0.982 and 0.984 respecrtively. Basic data were analyzed into mean, standard variation, and statistics of Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.
The research found that the level of transformational leadership of administrators is overall moderate according to inspiration, ideal influence, intellectual stimulation, and individual relationship. The school effectiveness was also at the moderate level in the order of the ability of school change, development, problem solution, students' positive thinking stimulation, and educational achievement. Additionally, the relationship between the transformational leadership of administrators and school effectiveness was high at the percentage of 97.10 in 4 aspects; intellectual stimulation, inspiration, individual relationship, and ideal influence respectively.
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