Participation Strategies for Mangrove Forest Conservation at Kadae Sub-District Kanchanadit District Surat Thani Province

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กมลชนก บัวบาน


The purposes of this research were to study the level of people’s participation in mangrove forest conservation at Kadae Sub-district, Kanchanadit District, Surat Thani Province and to develop strategies of people’s participation in mangrove forest conservation by using a Future Search Conference (F.S.C) method. The samplings were 40 people including heads of families or representatives of the families living at the mangrove forests areas. Data were analyzed by statistic, frequency, percentage and content analysis.

The results showed that the average participation level of mean was high which could be ranked from planning demonstrated which was relatively closed to working performance which showed; then, the level of study of the problems showed. The participation in the follow up and evaluation was the lowest. However, the participation of the people overall was at the high level. The study found that the training strategies for mangrove forest conservation were as followed; the project for awareness raising, youth for future mangrove forest conservation and publicity for mangrove forest conservation.

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