Thailand's Workforce Competency on the Seafood Processing Industry Sector in Surat Thani Province

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อริสรา ชูมี


The objectives of the research were to 1) study the factor of human resource management., 2) study the working performance, 3) compare working performance divided by personal factors, 4) study the relationship between factors of human resource management with Thailand’s workforce competency, and 5) provide suggestions to develop Thailand’s workforce competency on seafood processing industry sector in Surat Thani Province. Data was collected from 360 people ranging from managers, leaders, staff and Thai labors who was working in seafood processing industry sector in Surat Thani Province by using questionaires with a reliability of 0.93. Data was analyed using basic statistics including percentage and S.D. Test statistics were T - test, One - Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The research found that the overall factors of human resource was at high level. Each of 6 aspects were at a high level, which were competency evaluation, staff developmet, manpower planning, morale, recruitment and selection of personnel, and payment of compensation. Practice competency for overall was excellent and each of 4 aspects was at high level , which were ethics, efforts, accuracy of work, and achivement. In terms of accumulated expertise in career, it was partly at high level. The comparison resulted on educational level, different incomes which had the capacity to perform different tasks statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The relationship between human resource factors and practical competency was overall positive at moderate level. The development on practical competency was paying compensation in accordance to competency, choosing the right man to the right job, training at least once a year, conducting the activity, giving annual bonus and an award for outstanding employees.

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