Development of the Strategic Development Plan for Thambol Koakai, Aumphet Sawee, Chumphon Province

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เอกพงษ์ มีสิทธิ์


The research aimed to develop a strategic development plan for Thambol Koakai, Aumpher Sawee, Chumphon Province, Thailand. The study was divided into three key stages: 1) to study of conditions and process of the actual performance of the strategic development plan 2) to study problems relevant to the strategic development plan and 3) to develop the strategic development plan. The instruments used in the study were questionnaire and focus group interview. The samples included 58 participants who were community leaders, administrators and members of Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The results indicated that developing the strategic development plan required collaboration especially from local people. There were eight aspects needed to consider in order developing an effective strategic development plan, these included job promotion, social welfare, communication and transportation, infrastructure, education, sport and recreation, public health, prevention and mitigation, and investment promotion.

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