Operating Dissemination of Official Information Based on Official Information ACT 1997 Chumphon Provincial Police Office

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เฉลิมพล ประเทียบอินทร์



The objectives of this research were to study the operating condition, guidelines for   improving the operating system of information dissemination and determine the factors that affected the implementation of the dissemination of information according to the Official Information Act 2540 of Chumphon Provincial Police Office. Quantitative data were collected randomly from 400 people who contacted the police officials by incidental sampling using questionnaire which had reliability at 0.98. The statistics used in this study were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data from in-depth interviews were also employed with eight people as a purposive group. Data were analyzed by content analysis.

 The results showed that operating conditions for the dissemination of information according to the Official Information Act 1997 of Chumphon Provincial Police Office demonstrated the average levels of four aspects which were the rights to know, the opportunity to acquire, the channel of acquiring and the performance of the agencies that provide services. The development guidelines for improving the operating system of information dissemination according to the Official Information Act 1997 of Chumphon Provincial Police Office were categorized into four aspects: 1) the rights for acquiring the information. Personnel at all levels of the police stations under Chumphon Provincial Police Office had to raise awareness and prioritize to the rights of public information receiving according to the law, and participate in all processes of the dissemination of information. 2) The opportunity to get to know the information. The representatives of people or groups of people should have opportunities to attend the monthly meeting of the police office stations. 3) Channels of official information acquired. There should be a proactive policy that the officials should meet every household monthly. 4) The performance of the agencies that provide dissemination of information service by improving potentiality, quality and efficiency in three aspects including the operational aspects, the authorities, and budget and operations, were the factors affecting the operation of the information dissemination of the police stations under Chumphon Provincial Police Office.

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