Relationship Between Job Environments and the Effectiveness of Internal Controls of The Subdistrict Administrative Organizationin NakhonRatchasima Province

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ดวงกมล จีบโพธิ์
ฐิติรัตน์ มีมาก


This research aims to study the job environment of the Subdistrict Administration Organization, to search theeffectiveness of internal controlling in the Subdistrict Administration Organization and to criticize the relationship between job environment and the effectiveness of Internal controls of the Subdistrict Administration Organizationin Nakhon Ratchasima. Questionnaires are instruments used for collecting data in survey research. The focus group was 284 Internal Controllers Committees in the Subdistrict Administration Organization in NakhonRatchasima. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation. The research specifies: 1) Mostly, the Subdistrict Administration Organization in NakhonRatchasima prolongedhigh level of corporate job environment. When taking a closer look at each aspectthe study exposed to high levels collaborative in every aspect as following; readiness documents for office works built up the most effective job environment,the work systemizationpresented the second productive job environment, employees’competence and integrity recognized as less productive job environment consequently.2) Internal controlling of the Subdistrict Organization Administration in NakhonRatchasima was considered high in all effective performance level. When taking a closer look at each phase the study showed high collaborativelevels in every phase. The first effective productivity was the internal controls performance on the subject of producing effective financial reports. The second was good corporate citizenship in terms of compliance to laws and regulations. Latter revealed goodoperations process respectively. 3) Job environment in aspect of work systemization, NakhonRatchasima had a relation to the internal controls effectiveness in the sub District Organization Administration, NakhonRatchasima. Overall having high level of positivecorrelation at significant level at 0.01.which means thatgood work environmentof the Subdistrict Administrative Organization couldaffected to the internal controls efficiency.

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