The Analytical Concept between Philosophy of Postmodern Art and Philosophy of Art by BuddhadasaBhikkhu : An Alternative in Today’s Artistic Expression

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พิชัย สุขวุ่น


This article aims to represent one of the current social issues of the reformation to various aspects of problems which we are experiencing nowadays and which urgently need to be solved. There are two trends in the art circle: first, the advent of philosophy of postmodern art and second, the philosophy of art by BuddhadasaBhikkhu. The aforementioned proposal for reformation happens by coincidence with the period when the academic study of art definitely needs a different way; changing from the past and the core of reformation is an explanation of what we call ‘art’, which should not be a rigid qualification any longer, but involve diversity, and equality. There is no conclusion and no adherence in things except the diversity and equality that eventually become the proposal to dismantle the traditional belief in art. This proposal is a direct link between the role of art and living, which means art is the thing that man is able to contemplate, develop and define by himself. This vision of art is extensively connected with both life and social development and it must be open for reinterpretation of the word, ‘art’ in order to make it more valuable. Thus, there is agreement between these two kinds of philosophy and such similar opinions are currently aligned with the reformation of various knowledge dimensions.

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Academic Article


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