Emotional Intelligence and Stress of Nursing Students at Faculty of Nursing, Suratthani Rajabhat University

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กมลชนก ทองเอียด
เดือนนภา ไชยพรหม


This objective of this research were to study the level of emotional intelligence, stress and the relationship between emotional intelligence and stress. The samples were 70 students at the Faculty of Nursing, Suratthani Rajabhat University. The instrument used in this study was          a questionnaire including personal information, Emotional Intelligence questionnaire and the Suanprung Stress SPST-20. The statistics used          in the study were frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., and the Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient

The research results were as follows: 1) The emotional intelligence level of nursing students at the Faculty of Nursing, Suratthani Rajabhat University mostly was at a normal level. The Stress level was at a normal level; 2) According to the analysis of the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Stress, the score of Emotional Quotient was inversely related to scores of stress (r= -0.143*) with statistically significance (p<.05).  Responsibility, problem-solving decision and the pride of nursing students were related at a normal level.

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