The Result of the Community Participation in Solid Waste Management in Ban Na Municipal, Ban Na Doem Distric, Surat Thani Province

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รุ้งกานต์ พลายแก้ว
ประภัสสร อักษรพันธ์


This research and development was done through participatory action research processes which aimed to develop and study the effects of the solid waste management model through the participation from the community in Ban Na, Ban Na Doem, Surat Thani Province. The samples consisted of 53 members who were representatives of households, community leaders, and officials of municipal offices in Ban Na, Ban Na Doem,       Surat Thani Province. The research appliances comprised of a recording of the stage of the public hearing and the questionnaire on the effects of the waste management model by community participation. Statistics applied in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

            Results of this study showed that the community participatory in solid waste management model in Ban Na, Ban Na Doem, Surat Thani Province was organized as a waste management project by participation in Ban Na Municipality to reduce the amount of solid waste by appropriate management according to the area. There are 4 steps consisting of 1) waste management assessment 2) waste planning 3) solid waste management, and 4) monitoring of waste management. This action by the solid waste management committee, comes from the municipality, community leaders, and household representatives. The amount of solid waste after the disposal of solid waste is likely to decrease. The sample group had a moderate attitude toward community participation in solid waste management at 67.93 percent and the overall household waste management behavior  was at a high level of 75.47 percent. The highlight of the solid waste management model of Ban Na Municipal is an environment in the pilot area of clean and beautiful scenery, tidy roads that do not block the traffic, reduce the source of germs in the community, reduce the problem of residue at night and are not too smelly, and generate income for the household. The points to develop are to be on time for the collection of municipal solid waste, publicity/ campaign for solid waste management, and there should be a way to handle tangible organic waste.

            The results of this study indicate that for the development of      a solid waste management model with community participation, encouraging the community to realize the proper disposal of solid waste is essential and should be appropriate to the context of the community to create effective and sustainable waste management.

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