Art Project : Inspiration from Native Habitat for Visual Art of Southern Social Identity

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มนัสชัย รัตนบุรี


This paper presents the art education projects of visual art on southern identity, organized by Department of Art Education Faculty of Education, Suratthani Rajabhat University. The art education projects have been presented by BA student about the way of life of people in southern region of Thailand. The art education projects explore various dimensions of ways of life and local identity through the visual art presentation. Seven of the art education projects implement several concepts of art, including Painting, Installation Art, Mixed Media Art, Naive Art, Art Nouveau, and Realism, in the creation of artworks.

Research results found that the art education projects presented visual art on the way of life of people in southern region. The projects presented the ways of life through traditional occupation, economics, education, relationships within the Muslim family, the local craft intelligence, local faith and belief, local way of life, local identity, and the stunning scenery of local community. Those projects reflected the art-language and inspiration of students in southern region, and convinced the audience to explore local identity through visual art presentation and interpreted the meanings from the artworks into the written language, which was arranged systemically.

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