The Study of Teachers' Opinions toward Teacher Competency Promotion in Perceived by Teachers in Extended Primary Schools Under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 1

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Lawan Akawong
Pongsak Ruamchomrat


This research aimed to study and compare teacher’ competency promotion as perceived by teacher and to compare teacher’ competency promotion as perceived by teacher in extended primary schools under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 1, classified by genders and work experiences. The sample consisted of 259 teachers in extended primary schools under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 1 determined by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.96, the level of content vadility was between 0.67-1.00. The statistics employed for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA and pair difference test by Scheffe’s method, statistical significance level targeted at 0.05.

The research results were as follows : 1) All teacher’ competency promotion in extended primary schools  under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 1 as perceived by teachers were overall at a high level. As for individual aspect, each aspect was found to be at a high level, ranking in the order of mean from high to low as to create the learning management collaboration and participation with communities, goal for work achievement, and analysis and synthesis of research for learners’ development. 2)The comparing results of teacher’ competency promotion as perceived by teacher in extended primary schools under Kanchanaburi Educational Service Area Office 1, classified by genders, were overall and in each individual aspect not statistically significantly different. and classified by work experiences, were overall was significantly different at .05.

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