The Acceptance of Gambling Activities of a Special Community in a Province in the Upper- Southern

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รงค์ บุญสวยขวัญ


This research aimed to 1) study the acceptance of gambling activities of a special community in a province in the upper-Southern and 2) study determinant factors of the acceptance of gambling activities of  a special community in a province in the upper-Southern. Research methods were used by interviewing key-informants and observation. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis, typological analysis,  interpretive analysis, and observed by repeated behaviors with showing case studies. The results of the research in Gambling activities of a special community were arise and exist with the processes of social interaction which were submissive to gamblers and gambling hosts.

First group, the submission to the gambling hosts, is the submission which was affect by 1) domination of political position factor which every gambling hosts were in the political position in local election; 2) economical factor which the gambling hosts or their family members had dominated the great opportunity of household income.   3) the factor of domination of religious position which the gambling hosts who participated in religious regularly; 4) social interaction factor which the gambling hosts practiced their life normally as well as to the other neighborhoods.

Second group, the acceptance to gamblers was also the submission according to many people in this community having their role in gamble as the collective behavior or value to be lived together which is the interaction activity. This effects to the submission of this activity though it was not relevant to the norm of state power and religious power. According to these factors; 1) economical factor, no gamblers who sold their home or property due to losing the gamble directly and 2) social interaction factor, they lived normally with their  neighborhoods.

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รงค์ บุญสวยขวัญ. (2558). เครือข่ายการพนันภาคใต้เพื่อการประกอบสร้างอำนาจรัฐในชุมชนท้องถิ่นภาคใต้. รายงานวิจัยเสนอศูนย์ศึกษาปัญหาการพนัน คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย.