Concept Analysis of the Creation of Performing Arts for the Opening Ceremony of Sport Events

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เอกรัตน์ รุ่งสว่าง
สุรพล วิรุฬห์รักษ์


Thailand’s performing arts for the opening ceremonies of sport events does not only function as beauty and aesthetic emotions, but also the knowledge sources for performing arts, creativities and innovations in order to, as a guideline, support youth and people to apply for other contexts. Therefore, this article investigated the concept of creating performing arts for the opening ceremonies of sport events related with other factors. The data was collected from documents, photographs, interviews with experts, and observation.

It is found that the concept of Thailand’s creation of performing arts for the opening ceremonies of sport events were influenced by the concept of the opening ceremonies of international sport events, merged with Thai cultural performing arts and performed through the performances containing philosophy, history, applied arts and aesthetics as a contemporary performing arts. The influencing factors of the creation are 1) Policies 2) Management System 3) Visions, Potentiality and Aesthetical experiences of the designer 4) Choice of the performing elements 5) Innovations and Technologies, and 6) Media.

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