A A Study of Facebook Usage Behavioral Factors Influence on Students’ Achievement by Multiple Regression Analysis

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Preeya Riyapan
Santi Chotkaew


An objective of this research was to find Facebook usage behavioral factors and registration data that affect undergraduate students’ achievement. A data set obtained by Facebook API (Application Programming Interface) was used to build a multiple regression model where a dependent variable is students’ academic performance, i.e. final score, and independent variables are the Facebook usage behavioral factors retrieved by Facebook API that consist of the number of comments, the period of posting time to comment, and the number of reactions, collected and computed from students’ response to activity post and creating extra variables separated by five-activity types: attention, assignment, examination, announcement, and the other activities. Those are reflected from Facebook API as the behavioral use of social media. There is another independent variable which is the average time of the comments.   The sample size of 320 involved in purposive sampling were used to analyze the model by R programming.

The results indicate that behavioral factors of social media usage which are attention, assignment, examination, like and average time of comments, and all reactions of other posts have an effect on graduate students’ achievement which is a final score with R2 = 72.30.

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