Cultural Reproducing of Music in The Shadow Play Performances of The “Nong Dieow Luk Thung Wattanathamw”, NaKon Si Thammarat Province

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Anusit Bunvong
Tapika Rodsakarn


            The purpose of this research was to study the process of cultural reproduction of music in the shadow play performances of Nong Dieow Luk Thung Wattanatham in Nakon Si Thammarat Province with the integration of the idea of Pierre Bourdieu’s social and cultural capital as a basis for Raymond Williams’ analysis of cultural reproduction processes. Data were collected by studying in real locations such as interviewing the concerned parties and recording the soundtrack for the performance.

            The result of the research showed that: In the cultural reproducing process of music composed in shadow play, consisting of 1) Product: Combine Western music with folk music. Adjust the melody according to popular music. Western musical instruments are increasingly important in instrumental play. The show is concise, easy to understand, and consistent with the application of music for the performance. 2) Distribute: Use communication technology for watching shadow play shows. Peoples can watch everywhere, anytime and all ages from before, which can only be watched in live performances. 3) Consumption: Currently, the audience of the show can choose to watch a variety of media. The adaptation of the shadow play is necessary to adapt to meet the needs of the audience such as increased entertainment or music that is popular. 4 ) Reproduction : Application of music to performances and styles of performance to the era, match the needs of the audience, resulting in knowledge, new practice in the shadow play which can be a role model of other shadow play faculties, including the upcoming shadow play troupe.

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