Culture of Fashion Consumption and Identity Creation with “Jeans”

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Suwicha Arwas


The consumerism culture of the symbolic world has influenced relationships in various directions such as social structure and relationship of residents. Jeans are literally goods and represent the structure of identity which is widely interesting. Not only is the context of jeans gradually developed, but also the change in each region to the new circumstance occurs.

            When jeans are transferred to various contexts, its journey originates from a normal product with a cheap price that workers normally wear until jeans are torn from usage to be second hand materials or even trash. However, when time passes with the evolution of advertisements and the building of illusive perception by transferring to different regions, jeans are displayed as the symbol of cultural heritage and the yearning of nostalgic moments. With the effort of advertisements and illusive perception in the consumerism trend as well as mass culture, jeans are becoming more valuable. Firstly, they are considered as a human masterpiece reflecting thoughts, designs, and ancient times. Secondly, jeans are associated with cultural evidence, documents, and history that demonstrate ancestors’ way of life. Both considerations lead jeans to be placed and valued in the museum. Through time and space, the transference of jeans is essential. The interpretation of jeans triggers new inspirations to create art pieces with aesthetic value, and it contributes to the newly integrated art.

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