The Influences of the National Science Museum Virtual Reality Systems Quality on the Net Benefit of Generation Z Tourists
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This research aims to study the National Science Museum Virtual Reality (NSMVR) systems quality, the net benefit of the Generation Z tourists visiting through NSMVR system and analyze the influences of the NSMVR systems quality on the net benefit of Gen Z tourists. The sample were 138 Gen Z Thai’ tourists selected by using the convenience sampling technique. The quantitative data was collected with a questionnaire. The statistical data was analyzed by means, standard deviation, the multiple regression analysis with Enter method was used to test the effect of independent variable as ‘the quality of the NSM Virtual Reality System’ on the dependent variable ‘the net benefit of Generation Z tourists’ with statistical significance at .05
Results were found that the overall of the NSMVR system quality was ranked in good level ( = 3.50, S.D. = 0.607), the net benefit of the respondents visiting through NSMVR System was ranked in good level ( = 3.94, S.D. = 0.699). The influences of the NSMVR systems quality in each aspect were on the net benefit perceived with statistical significance at 0.05 included the system function aspect (Beta = -0.287), the usage aspect (Beta = 0.204) and the performance (Beta = 0.065), respectively.
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