The Causal Effects of Future Intention through Perceived Event Impact, Happiness, and Event Participation of Local Residents toward Non-Mega Running Events in Tourism Destinations in the Southern Economic Corridor of Thailand
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The paper aims to investigate the causal effects of future intention through perceived event impact, happiness, and event participation of local residents toward non-mega running events in tourism destinations. Purposive sampling data were collected from 397 Residents who lived in four provinces in the southern economic corridor of Thailand: Suratthani, Chumphon, Ranong, and Nakhon Si Thammarat . The questionnaire was employed to collect data with the reliability being 0.965. The structural Equation Model (SEM) was employed to analyze the research hypotheses.
Findings revealed that the event participation influenced future intention of residents in the running areas. Perceived event impact positively affected happiness and event participation. Additionally, residents’ happiness significantly impacted their participation in the running events, but there was no relation to future intention. It is recommended that running event organizers should be concerned with residents’ happiness and positive impact perception of the non-mega events to based on creating residents' event participation and future intention.
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