Curriculum Assessment of Information and Library Science : CIPP Model
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The purpose of this research aimed to evaluate the curriculum in Information Science and Library Science (revised version 2018) and study guidelines to improve the curriculum using Stuffel Beam's ZIP model. It consists of 4 aspects: context assessment, assessment of input factors, process assessment, and production evaluation. It's a mixed method research study. Quantitative research involved collecting data using questionnaires from a purposive sample of 184 students, graduates, professors, and graduate users. Qualitative research involved in-depth interviews with 3 experts and analysing the qualitative data by content analysis.
The results of the curriculum evaluation found that: 1) the curriculum context had an average level of high; 2) The average of the process was at a high level; and 3) the production had the highest average level. In addition, it was found that in terms of curriculum context, the curriculum structure and subject content were consistent with the objectives. There was an appropriate study plan, and the curriculum documents and subject content were complete and clear, with easy to organize teaching and learning. Instructors have the potential, knowledge, and ability to teach. There is a budget for the instructors to develop their academics continuously every year. All graduates are employed since the first year after graduation and have been accepted by society.
The results of the study of curriculum assessment guidelines found that: 1) curriculum philosophy should be improved to be clearer and linked from the university's philosophy; 2) Define course objectives clearly and up to date, and produce graduates that can actually be measured; 3) Adjust the curriculum structure to have a consistent proportion of required and elective majors; 4) The subject content in each year should be properly arranged; and 5) factors/things to support learning in the curriculum should be adequately managed and respond to the needs of students.
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