Operational Strategies for Corporate Social Responsibility to Drive Sustainable Development Goals of Industrial Organizations in Thailand
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This research article aimed to analyze key strategies in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through CSR operations. It is a qualitative study. The data were collected by group and in-depth interviews with 17 CSR executives in 17 industrial organizations that received the Prime Minister’s Industry Award in CSR between 2018 and 2022 and analyzed thematically. The results were that essential strategies in implementing CSR included problems and stakeholder needs-based strategies, innovation strategies, core competency strategies, expanding-result strategies, and model strategies. In addition, organizational social responsibility operations motivated SDGs in all five dimensions of sustainability: people, prosperity, environment, peace, and partnership. Industrial and other sector organizations can apply these findings to develop CSR operations motivating the accomplishment of SDGs.
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