The Development of Board Games as Instructional Media to Enhance the Junior High School Students’ Capabilities in Thai Language Lesson Learning, Thai Grammar and Thai Language Usage

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Chanika Prommas


           This research aimed to develop and evaluate the quality of board games as instructional media to enhance the junior high school students’ capabilities in Thai language lesson learning, Thai grammar and Thai Language usage. The samples used in this research project were 16 Mathayom 1/6 students who were enrolled in Takhliprachasan School at Takhli district in Nakhon Sawan province during the second semester of academic year 2023. The research instrument were 1) board games as instructional media to enhance Mathayom 1 students’ capabilities in Thai grammar learning and Thai language usage, 2) 2 sets of achievement test, and 3) satisfaction assessment towards board games as instructional media to enhance Mathayom 1 students’ capabilities in Thai grammar learning and Thai language usage. The statistics used were mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test dependent.

The results revealed that  1.The efficiency result of board games as instructional media to enhance the junior high school students’ capabilities in Thai grammar learning and Thai language usage of the criterion at 80/80 had the efficiency criteria (E1/E2) at 83.13/81.25.  2.The comparison of result from before and after learning achievement of students towards board games as instructional media to enhance the junior high school students’ capabilities in Thai grammar learning and Thai language usage after learning was higher than before learning with statistically significance at the .05 level.  3. The satisfaction result of students towards learning board games as instructional media to enhance the junior high school students’ capabilities in Thai grammar learning and Thai language usage showed that word formation (Sombat Kum Hunsa) in overall was at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.17, S.D. = 0.41), and pronunciation (The Adventure of Language Land) in overall was at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.12, S.D. = 0.46).

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How to Cite
Prommas, C. (2024). The Development of Board Games as Instructional Media to Enhance the Junior High School Students’ Capabilities in Thai Language Lesson Learning, Thai Grammar and Thai Language Usage. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(1), 33–48. retrieved from
Research Articles


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