The Establishing Innovation Education Model in Education Management of the Command and General Staff College

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Jed Chantarasanarm
Chanuan UaKarn
Nittaya Sintao


         The objectives of the article were: 1) to study the problem of educational innovation in management of the Command and General Staff College, 2) to study the transformational leadership, new public management, a learning organization, good governance and security strategies affecting educational innovation in management of the Command and General Staff College and 3) to formulate an educational innovation model for educational in the management of the Command and General Staff College. The research methodology was a mixed method using both quantitative research and qualitative research. The research tools were questionnaires for the graduate of Command and General Staff College and in-depth interviews for experts of the Army Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, including mean standard deviation and inferential statistics, including multiple regression. The qualitative research was by content analysis.

         The research results were as follows: 1) Present state of Educational Innovation in Educational Management was shown the problems, such as out of date curriculums, insufficient instructors, decreasing budget, and insufficient information technology. Therefore, the curriculums should be updated, gained more instructors, budget and technology will be increased. 2) All independent variables were transformational leadership new public management, learning organization, good governance and security strategies affect to Innovation Education Model In Education Management of The Command and General Staff College with statistically significance at the 0.05 level, 3) Establishing Innovation Education Model In Education Management of The Command and General Staff College include the concept of security strategies, transformational leadership, new public management, a learning organization and good governance that affect educational innovation in educational in the management of the Command and General Staff College. The evaluation of this models from experts found that it is Good and appropriate format.

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How to Cite
Chantarasanarm, J., UaKarn, C., & Sintao, N. . . (2024). The Establishing Innovation Education Model in Education Management of the Command and General Staff College. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(1), 185–198. retrieved from


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