The Development Soft Skills to Enhance Digital Citizenship among Students of Rajamangala University of Technology

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Surachai Rungruangkullawanit
Nonthalee Prontadavit
Pratoomtong Trirat


        The objectives of this research were 1) to study the development of soft skills to enhance digital citizenship among students of Rajamangala University of Technology, and 2) to compare the development of soft skills to enhance digital citizenship among students of Rajamangala University of Technology. The data was collected from the sample group of totally 523 persons comprising 118 purposively selected persons of vice president/assistant president for student affairs, director of student development division, deputy dean/deputy director of student development section and 405 proportionately selected persons of student leaders of 9 Rajamangala University of Technology. Questionnaire was employed as a research instrument. Data analysis involved percentages, means, standard deviations and the analysis of variance between groups using F- test.

The research results were as follows. 1. The development of soft skills among students of Rajamangala University of Technology to enhance digital citizenship in overall was with mean at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.55, S.D. = .64). Skills ranked first at a high level was teamwork skills (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.71, S.D. = .65), followed by personal skills ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.59, S.D. = .67), communication skills (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.55, S.D. = .68 ), and thinking skills ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.42, S.D. = .68).   2. The comparisons of the development of soft skills among students of Rajamangala University of Technology to enhance digital citizenship using F-test found a statistically significant difference at the .01 level (F = 2.841, P = .004). The comparisons by skills found the teamwork skills with a statistically significant difference at the .001 level (F = 3.573, P = .000), personal skills with a statistically significant difference at  the .01 level (F = 2.961, P = .003), communication skills with a statistically significant difference at the .05 level (F = 2.006, P = .044), and thinking skills with a statistically significant difference at the .01 level (F = 2.631, P = .008).

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How to Cite
Rungruangkullawanit, S., Prontadavit, N., & Trirat, P. (2024). The Development Soft Skills to Enhance Digital Citizenship among Students of Rajamangala University of Technology . SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(1), 199–212. retrieved from


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