Determinants of Tontine Demand in Thailand

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Sunti Tirapat


        Thailand has currently entered an aging society. Due to medical advances, most elderly individuals do not in the pension system that are increasingly facing longevity risk. A tontine is a financial instrument that can mitigate the risk of inadequate savings in the event of unexpectedly longer lifespans. This study examines the factors that play a crucial role in determining the demand for tontines based on a survey and hypothetical questions of 452 respondents conducted in six provinces in Thailand, it is documented that age, risk tolerance and the health of respondents are key determinants of tontine demand. More importantly, the results indicate a positive association between preferences in gambling and financial literacy with the demand for tontines. The findings suggested that the demand for tontines aligns with the hedging of longevity risk. Moreover, tontine can serve as an alternative to conventional savings for individuals who prefer gambling, given that tontine returns exhibit a significantly positive skew akin to gambling outcomes. Further, analysis revealed that the interaction term of low financial literacy and a preference for gambling was positively associated with the demand. This suggests that low financial literacy may contribute to an additional bias in gambling. However, it does not find that financial constraints affect the demand for tontine. This finding is inconsistent with the notion that prize-linked saving products are preferred by those facing financial constraints whose saving incentives are to change their financial status rather than focusing solely on retirement security. Overall, understanding the demand for tontines should be beneficial for designing alternative savings products to address the challenges of Thai aging society. However, these findings are still preliminary; a more rigorous study should be conducted in future research.

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How to Cite
Tirapat, S. (2024). Determinants of Tontine Demand in Thailand. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 93–110. retrieved from
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