The Effect of Distributed Leadership on Teacher Efficacy in China: A Moderated Mediation Model

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Meechai Orsuwan
Thomrat Siriparp


        The objective of this research was to analyze the moderated mediating effect of teachers' job satisfaction on the relationship between distributed leadership and teachers' self-efficacy in China. The data were from the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) collected by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by using a stratified two-stage sampling method. The sample consisted of 3,976 teachers from 198 Chinese schools. The research instrument was a likert scale questionnaire consisting of 33 items with
a reliability range between .70 and .94. A moderated mediation analysis was employed using PROCESS version 4.0. The findings revealed that the controlling for teachers’ characteristics such as gender, teaching experience, hours spent on professional development, hours spent on teamwork with others, and hours spent on administrative work.  The teacher’s job satisfaction moderated the influence of distributed leadership on teachers’ self-efficacy both directly (b = .05) and indirectly (b = .02) with statistically significance at the .05 level. In other words when teachers were satisfied with their jobs, the influence of distributed leadership on teachers’ self-efficacy increased accordingly.

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How to Cite
Orsuwan, M., & Siriparp, T. (2024). The Effect of Distributed Leadership on Teacher Efficacy in China: A Moderated Mediation Model. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 59–72. retrieved from
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