A Study on Factors and Development of Prediction System by Using Machine Learning for Learning Analytics in Computer Programming of Junior High-school Students

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Wudhijaya Philuek
Nontachai Samngamjan


        The objectives of this research were 1) to study factors that affect computer programming learning among middle school students, 2) to study machine learning techniques to analyze factors in learning computer programming, and 3) to develop a system for predicting computer programming learning. The data used was divided into 2 times. The first time was from 411 students to explore exploratory factors and the second time was from a survey of students with total of 1,225 students which used to test machine learning techniques. The primary data analysis method was done by study, analyze documents and 1 round of screening by experts and used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and analyzed with 9 machine learning techniques including Naïve Bay (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Logistics Regression (LR), Gradient Boosting (GB), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), then analyze by machine learning techniques to design a prediction system for learning computer programming. Statistics used in the analysis included Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation Coefficients and Machine Learning Algorithms.

      The research results found that: 

1. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and correlation coefficient showed 4 components: 1) Teacher factors, 2) Learning environment, 3) Learning management media factors and 4) Learner factors.

2. Results of the analysis of 9 machine learning techniques for predicting programming learning results from 4 factors. It was found that the Random Forest (RF) technique gave an Accuracy of 96.00 % and Macro F1 of 96.00 %.

3. Design of a computer programming learning prediction system showed a design process such as Use Case, Data Flow Diagram, ER Diagram, Class Diagram and uses the Random Forest (RF) technique in prediction, with program used including Visual Studio Code, Xmapp system usage had menus for 4 user groups.

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How to Cite
Philuek, W. ., & Samngamjan , N. (2024). A Study on Factors and Development of Prediction System by Using Machine Learning for Learning Analytics in Computer Programming of Junior High-school Students. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 43–58. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSSRA/article/view/270534
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