Effectiveness of meditation (SKT) therapy to reduce blood sugar and blood pressure in Thai monks

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Waraporn Khumros
Somrudee Chuenkitiyanon


The monks with diabetes and high blood pressure are increasing every year. The monks can maintain good health must exercise appropriate manner. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a meditation therapy (SKT) intervention to reduce blood sugar and blood pressure in monks. This quasi experimental research involving 38 monks, who were diabetic and hypertensive diseases of temples in Phasicharoen District. A total of 38 diabetic and hypertensive diseases monks were given a 8 week meditation therapy (SKT) and compared their blood glucose and blood pressure levels before and after the program.

          The results showed that after 8 weeks of joining the Meditation Therapy (SKT), the results were assessed after the program. The monks had a statistically significant decrease blood glucose (p-value <0.008), the monks had a statistically significant decrease systolic blood pressure (p-value <0.001) and the monks had a significantly significant decrease diastolic blood pressure (p-value <0.001) compared to before entering the Meditation Therapy (SKT) program.

          Research recommendations suggest that the implementation of the Meditation Therapy Program (SKT) in the temple to be successful and sustainable, activities should be organized by the health team from the hospital or public health service that oversees the temple area to create confidence, faith and good relationship. And can follow up on the performance of the program regularly.

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