Development Approach for Immigration Police Officers at Suvarnabhumi Airport

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Natthaya Meethong
Chet Ratchadapunnathikul


The objective of this research was to study and to determine the activities the development approach for immigration police officers at Suvarnabhumi Airport. This research applies with the qualitative research. The sample of this research was the experts who have direct responsibilities in immigration police operations at Suvarnabhumi Airport total 20 people via In-depth Interview.

            The study revealed that to develop immigration police officers at Suvarnabhumi Airport should be considered on taking into the fundamental human rights and freedom, the training to distinguish the counterfeit passport or production process of illegal passport, providing up-to-date crime data including knowledges and experiences about passenger observation. Satisfaction is important in order to provide motivation to the officers and also encourage personnel to recognize the essential on obtaining the knowledge about the operation such as regulations, disciplines, advanced technologies, and preparation for any change new crime patterns. The latest technology should come along with the working experiences.

            The recommendation from the research, the expected activities are relationship strengthening activities in the organization between leaders and followers, academic training in criminology, foreign languages, passport checking, and knowledge training about arrival, departure, patrolling, and administrative work in order to proficiently improve potentials of immigration police officers at Suvarnabhumi Airport.  

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