Publication Ethics
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Roles and duties of the author or submitter
1. The author or submitter of the article must certify that the research article. Academic articles and periscope article submitted for publication it has never been published in duplicate with other journals.
2. The author or submitter must be aware of the ethical nature of research. They must check your articles that they are not copying other people's work as your own.
3. Author or author of the article need to study details on the topic "Writer's Guide" to update your articles to match each type of article in the journal.
4. The author or sender of the article must be a person who is actively involved in researching and writing the article.
5. The author or contributor must carefully review the citations, tables, or images from published citations. Or from other people's work when it comes to being included in your articles it is necessary to specify "source" to prevent plagiarism or prevent copyright infringement. (If legal action occurs the journal will not be responsible for any actions).
6. The author or contributor must carefully verify the citation in the text and bibliography. Without referring too much or too little and does not refer to anything that is not related to the content of the article.
7. The author or submitter of the article must revise the article on the advice of qualified experts who have reviewed the article, and the editorial department for the specified period.
8. The author or submitter of the article shall specify the name of the funding agency (if any) and identify or present a conflict of interest (if any).
9. The author or submitter must not write false, distorting, or falsified details. Based on real data in doing research.
10. The author or submitter may not write a revoked reference. If necessary, information related to what has been removed must be stated about the document being withdrawn.
Roles and duties of experts to evaluate articles
1. Qualified article reviewers must not disclose the content of the articles submitted for evaluation to anyone else. And must strictly maintain the confidentiality of the contents of the article.
2. Experts evaluate articles when receiving articles from journal editors for evaluation and found that you might there is a conflict of interest with the author or submitter of the article. Qualified article reviewers are required to reject that article rating and must notify the editor of that journal.
3. A qualified person evaluating an article must not use a personal attitude to judge the content of the article. And you will need to consider analyzing the content of the article that matches your professional or field expertise with an academic concentration and focus on the content of the article that has a broad impact.
4. Qualified article reviews must not copy the content of the author or the author of the article into their work.
5. Article experts must carefully consider the content of the article. And if it is found that there is a duplicate of the work of other qualified people who evaluate the article must notify the journal editor.
Roles and duties of journal editors
1. Journal editors are responsible for reviewing and analyzing the quality of articles for publication in their respective journals. Based on academic concentration clarity in the informational content of the article consistency with the policy set by the journal and journal editors must have academic and theoretical knowledge that can be synthesized. And analyzing research work with informative content of articles focused on theoretical and creative ideas for academic work.
2. Journal editors must maintain the academic secrets of the author or contributor. And experts assess the article.
3. Journal editors must strictly use a program that can verify plagiarism every time an article is submitted to the system. In order not to cause plagiarism of others and if it detects that the work has been plagiarized Journal editors must suspend the review process and contact the author or submitter for clarification. In the information content of the article.
4. Journal editors must not be associated or have conflicts of interest with authors or authors. Including experts assessing the article.
5. Journal editors must not use the content of the article as their work.
6. Journal editors must consider the correct research methodology and findings. To proceed whether it is appropriate for publication or not.
7. Journal editors must carefully check the plagiarism of others. And if found that the work has been copied or write false details, distortions, or falsification, decorations that are inaccurate from the truth in research journal editors have the right to withdraw articles immediately without the consent of the author or contributor.