Leadership and Learning Organization Factors Affecting Effectiveness of Secondary Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area 1 and 2 Offices

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นงนุช สุวรรณะรุจิ
สนั่น ประจงจิตร
วิสุทธิ์ วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์
ฉัตรศิริ ปิยะพิมลสิทธิ์


The objectives of this research were: (1) to investigate relationship between leadership, together with learning organization; and (2) effectiveness of secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area 1 and Area 2 Offices. The results were as follows: (1) Leadership and learning organization factors were related to effectiveness of the schools at the high level. (2) Equations of predictive factors for school effectiveness were: (2.1) for the aspect of ability to produce students with high academic achievement, consisting of seven factors, the equation was Y/1 = 0.42 (respect others) + 0.43 (team learning) + 0.11 (idealized influence or charisma leadership) - 0.28 (systematic thinking) + 0.33 (shared vision) + 0.08 (inspirational motivation) + 0.14 (mental models) - 0.85 (2.2) for the aspect of ability to develop students to have a positive attitude, also consisting of seven factors, the equation was Y/2 = 0.45 (respect others) + 0.33 (team learning) +0.15 (idealized influence or charisma leadership) - 0.26 (systematic thinking) + 0.24 (shared vision) + 0.09 (build community) + 0.15 (mental models) - 0.50 (2.3) for the aspect of ability to develop and to modify school environment, consisting of five factors, the equation was Y/3 = 0.40 (shared vision) + 0.21 (mental models) + 0.09 (personal mastery) + 0.11 (intellectual stimulation) + 0.13 (respect others) + 0.32; and (2.4) for the aspect of ability to solve school problems, consisting of three factors, the equation was Y/4 = 0.33 (shared vision) + 0.22 (systematic thinking) + 0.21 (service others) + 1.01.

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How to Cite
สุวรรณะรุจิ น., ประจงจิตร ส., วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์ ว., & ปิยะพิมลสิทธิ์ ฉ. (2017). Leadership and Learning Organization Factors Affecting Effectiveness of Secondary Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area 1 and 2 Offices. Rajapark Journal, 11(21), 23–32. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPJ/article/view/171419
Research Article