The relationships between the level of quality of work life, Organizational commitment and the work behavior of employees at the Provincial Waterworks Authority

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Nateerai Kriangchaiporn
Uthai Laohavichien


In this dissertation, the researcher examines the relationships between the level of quality of work life, organizational commitment and the work behavior of the employees at the Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA). The research instrument to collect data was a questionnaire. The structural equation model (SEM) was used to prove the relationships of the variables. After the analysis of the quantitative data, the researcher collected data from interviews with 15 administrators in order to obtained additional information to discuss the research findings for the benefits of the organization in the future. Findings could be summarized as follows.  The quality of work life exhibited a causal relationship and a direct effect on the organizational commitment. Organizational commitment exhibited a causal relationship and had a direct effect on the work behavior. Also the quality of work life exhibited a causal relationship and an indirect effect on the work behavior through the organizational commitment. It can be concluded that if the organization needs employees to have good work behavior, it should be enhanced to include an organizational commitment as well.

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How to Cite
Kriangchaiporn, N., & Laohavichien, U. (2019). The relationships between the level of quality of work life, Organizational commitment and the work behavior of employees at the Provincial Waterworks Authority. Rajapark Journal, 13(30), 71–82. retrieved from
Research Article


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