Consumer Behavior in Accepting Electronic Health Technologies Health Care Air Purifier

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Saksit Jaichuen
Soibubpha Sartmoon


This research aims to study consumer buying behavior in accepting health electronics technology in air purifiers. This research used qualitative research method with in-depth and semi-structured interviews. 27 key informants were selected for content analysis. The study found that the factory group focused on air pollution in the factory rather than air pollution with PM2.5. Buying air purifiers referred to hygiene regulations, safety and health of employees which comply with regulations and laws of the Ministry of Industry. Other factors are the features of the product that meets the room size and benefits from air purifiers. The price must be on budget. Some places considered from the experience of manufacturers or distributers, ease of use, warranty and after sales service. Laboratory group’s considerations are mostly similar to factorygroup but the difference is in order process which signed approval from authorize person or the executive is needed. As for the consumer group, the focus is on air pollution from PM2.5. The considerations of buying were based on trend, the price, the brand, the benefits, the features and ease of use.

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How to Cite
Jaichuen, S., & Sartmoon, S. (2020). Consumer Behavior in Accepting Electronic Health Technologies Health Care Air Purifier. Rajapark Journal, 14(32), 181–189. Retrieved from
Research Article


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