The Passengers' Feedback System Improvement in Low Cost Airline

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Taksina seanyen
Apaporn Hasoh
Weerapan Chuayprasit
Suttha Sanpetpanich
Suwanna Khiewphakdi


This paper analyzes the feedback process of passengers of low-cost airlines providing services in Thailand. Considering the existing feedback mechanisms, it raises the question of how to improve the overall feedback process to gain more insights about passengers. The researcher focused on the tools available today and used the results from the literature review and survey results to suggest ways to improve. Low-cost airlines will use the results of this survey together with their own commercial strategies to improve operations and services. This research is a survey of 400 passengers using low-cost airline services at Don Mueang Airport. The study indicated that there is a significant relationship in; Registration in the loyalty program and giving feedback, giving feedback and feedback channels, and the feedback process and flight frequency.

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How to Cite
seanyen, T. . ., Hasoh, A., Chuayprasit, W. ., Sanpetpanich, S. ., & Khiewphakdi, S. . (2020). The Passengers’ Feedback System Improvement in Low Cost Airline. Rajapark Journal, 14(34), 259–275. retrieved from
Research Article


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