The impact of technology development on employee performance

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Kaewta Poopatanapong
Nikom Jearrajinda


The objective of this study is to 1. Study the technological factors that affect bank employees' operations. 2. Study the personnel factors that affect the bank employees' operations. 3. Study the bank employees' performance. The population used in the research is the bank practitioners in both government sectors. And the private sector in Bangkok. The sample group selected 400 purposive sampling samples as survey research. There are tools used in this research, including questionnaires and data analysis. By using descriptive statistical tools Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The results of the research showed that various organizations must accept technology. And the worker must be motivated to work including knowledgeability and skill which is clarity in the role and acceptance of the role. Given the opportunity and progress in the operation, it will make the operation efficient and effective. Enabling the organization to achieve its goals for efficient performance the results showed that factors affecting the efficiency of the work of the operator must include the quality of work, quantity of work, time spent and worthwhile use of resources for hypothesis testing found that perceived benefits of using technology and perceived ease of use and work motivation, knowledge, ability, and skills for clarity in roles. And role acceptance and job progress are related to effective performance which can create predictions the effective performance is as follows.

EP (Effective performance) = 4.017 + 0.044 (PU) +0.004 (PE) +0.261 (MW) +0.291 (KAS) +0.133 (RR) +0.201 (OO)

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How to Cite
Poopatanapong, K. ., & Jearrajinda, N. (2020). The impact of technology development on employee performance. Rajapark Journal, 14(34), 86–100. Retrieved from
Research Article


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