Perceptual Tourism in Sandstone Geomorphology of Pa-tam National Park, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Kawee Worrakawin
Chawalee Na Thalang
Seri Wongmonta
Thanarat Ratanapongtra


The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to study the physical condition and the shape aspect of the sandstone and the communication of the meaning in the wisdom recognition according to the dimension of the physical view recognition, the visualization recognition, the conceptual recognition for supporting the wisdom tourism; and 2) to determine the guideline in the tourism management of the shape of the sandstone of the wisdom tourist attraction of Patam national park, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The study was a qualitative research with 25 persons of the group who have given the main information. This will use the content information analysis to examine the triangular information. It was found that the wisdom tourism principle is the physical knowing and seeing, the mind knowing and the wisdom knowing and thinking. For the obtaining result, this consists of the dimension of the physical view recognition, the dimension of the imaginational consideration, the dimension of the conceptual knowing. This will create the guideline of the tourism management of the shape of the sandstone that is the single identity. There is a setting the spatial tourism route, the setting of the mixing tourism route, the setting of the conceptual and creative tourism route in Patam national park and there is setting of the route for contributing the conceptual and creative activity that is thinking via the shape of the sandstone.

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How to Cite
Worrakawin, K., Na Thalang, C. ., Wongmonta, S. ., & Ratanapongtra, T. . (2020). Perceptual Tourism in Sandstone Geomorphology of Pa-tam National Park, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 47–60. retrieved from
Research Article


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