The Effects of Thailand Country Images on Behavioral Intention of Chinese Tourists in Thailand

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Yao Youyin
pornlapas Suwannarat
Rattanawadee Sonthiprasat


Tourism plays a considerable supporting role in the Thai economy, and Chinese tourists are the main customers of Thai inbound tourists. The main objective of this study is to discover the influence of the Thailand Country Images on Behavioral Intention of Chinese tourists in Thailand. This study uses questionnaire as the research tool to randomly collect data from 400 Chinese tourists at the airports, shopping malls, and other tourist attractions of Thailand and adopts a number of statistical analysis methods to analyze the data: mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and regression analysis via SPSS 17.00. The results show that the total average of the mean score of twelve dimensions of Country Images is high. The top five highest scores are Atmosphere Attractions, Activity Attractions, Price and Value, Landscape and Environment Attractions, and Perceived Image and Satisfaction respectively. In addition, the results indicate a significant effect of Thailand Country Images on Behavioral Intention of Chinese Tourists. Particularly, Thailand Country Images in the dimensions of National Capacity, Activity Attractions, Price and Value, and Perceived Image and Satisfaction, and National System have been found their significant influence on Behavioral Intention of Chinese Tourists. As well, this study provides applicable suggestions for policymakers as well as tourism managers both at national or regional levels to develop better country images and marketing programs for sustainably attract and retain Chinese tourists into the ASEAN country of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Youyin, Y. ., Suwannarat, pornlapas ., & Sonthiprasat, R. . (2020). The Effects of Thailand Country Images on Behavioral Intention of Chinese Tourists in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 14(34), 248–258. Retrieved from
Research Article


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