Collocation Instruction in English Writing Classrooms at the University Level in Thailand

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Jirawoot Sararit
Saiwaroon Chumpavan
Adel Al-Bataineh


This research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of collocation instruction to enhance the writing abilities of students in English writing classrooms at the university level in Thailand. Two groups of 25 students majoring in English at a private university in Thailand were asked to participate in the study. The experimental group received collocation instruction, and the control group received regular teaching for one semester. The researchers administered an essay-writing test before and after giving instructions. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was also used to assess the attitudes of students towards collocation instruction. The data from the posttest administration of the writing test were analyzed using a t test to determine whether or not there was a significant difference between the test scores of the students in both groups. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed by using a t test to find out if there was a significant difference between the pre-survey and post-survey administration.  It was revealed that the students who received collocation instruction achieved significantly higher scores than those receiving regular instruction. There was also a significant difference in the responses of the students between the pre-survey and the post-survey phase. After instruction, the students agreed that collocation instruction helped to improve their writing ability, fostered language fluency, and boosted their confidence in writing.  The results of this research may be useful for EFL teachers to consider incorporating collocation instruction in their writing classes.    

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How to Cite
Sararit, J., Chumpavan, S. ., & Al-Bataineh , A. . (2020). Collocation Instruction in English Writing Classrooms at the University Level in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 24–34. retrieved from
Research Article


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