Chinese tourist’s satisfaction toward the spa business in Thailand

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Patipan Bandurat
Seri Wongmontha


The purposes of this study were as follows: 1) to learn Chinese tourist’s satisfaction toward the spa business in Thailand; 2) to learn the service quality perceptions of Chinese tourist; and 3) to analyse and suggest the way to manage spa businesses in Thailand to welcome Chinese tourists who experiences spa service in Thailand. The study was a qualitative research by in-depth interview from the key informant persons 3 groups that was; 1) government sectors 9 people; 2) private sectors 10 people; and 3) tourists 10 people. The study revealed that the spa businesses in Thailand’s outstanding and accepted by international tourists in term of the quality of service standard are qualified, quality staff at spa services. In terms of tourism marketing, especially spa products are varied and outstanding for services, using natural local products and show Thainess, and mark the price as “High value” – that’s why the price for service is quite high. Also, there are doing the online and offline marketing that could reach to the large amount of customers and tourists. The ways to manage spa businesses to welcome Chinese tourists has many aspects, can be concluded to be 7 topics including; 1) the standard and security; 2) the public relations; 3) the rules about run the business correctly; 4) the support budget from government; 5) the co-cooperating from community; 6) the business and others stakeholders to looking for strength; and 7) the rules to punish scammer for tourists.

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How to Cite
Bandurat, P. ., & Wongmontha, S. (2020). Chinese tourist’s satisfaction toward the spa business in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 92–103. retrieved from
Research Article


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