The Political Changes Affect Leaders of Government Agencies Case Study of Royal Thai Police Between 2006 – 2014

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Sutthiwet Boonyaratklin
Samira Jitladakorn


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the political changes affecting the leaders, 2) to study the leadership styles of the organization development of the Royal Thai Police, and 3) to compare the leadership styles of the National Police Agency Development Organization that are suitable during the period of political change between 2006 -2014, as qualitative research in interview form as a tool that has been checked by experts. The key informants consisted of a total of 7 police commanders, analyzed and described. The results showed that Political changes between 2006 - 2014 are divided into 5 eras: 1st Generation “Demand for a political power to gain benefits” Season 2 “Social Structural Conflict” Season 3 “Conflict Management” Season 4 “Ustice in the Legislation” and Season 5 “Crisis” Comparison of Leadership Styles of the National Police Commission during the period of Changes to the way that the political changes that occurred mainly in the form of leadership, the situation is most affected when the government changed the national police leadership changed too that have to change the methods and behavior in managing past political problems. Which must lead the strategy and new management systems used to solve problems and seek new ways in solving problems as well as receiving support for tools and suitable budgets for the work of subordinates in order to create motivation and morale in the operation.

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How to Cite
Boonyaratklin, S. ., & Jitladakorn, S. . (2020). The Political Changes Affect Leaders of Government Agencies Case Study of Royal Thai Police Between 2006 – 2014. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 12–23. retrieved from
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