The Effects of Group Dynamics Activities on the Enhancement of the Teamwork of Student Council Committee Members

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Wansa Chalermchai
Umaporn Sucaromana
Phurided Pahuyut
Srisamorn Suriyadsin


This research aimed to study 1) the teamwork of student council committee members prior to and after participation in group dynamics activities for the enhancement of teamwork; 2) the teamwork of student council committee members who participated in the activities under study and those who did not; and 3) the teamwork of student council committee members after the completion of the activities and in the follow-up period. The study was a quasi-experimental research, the pre-test and post-test control group design approach was employed. The sample was twenty student council committee members studying in Prathom Sueksa Four to Six in the academic year 2019. The sample was selected by using the technique of purposive sampling. The technique of simple random sampling was used to divide the subjects into an experimental group and a control group of ten each. The instrument for collecting data were a questionnaire eliciting teamwork and group dynamics activities for the enhancement of teamwork. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows; 1) The student council committee members participating in group dynamics activities exhibited a high level of teamwork at the statistically significant at 0.05 level after the participation. 2) The student council committee members participating in group dynamics activities exhibited a higher level of teamwork than those not participating at the statistically significant at 0.05 level. and 3) The student council committee members participating in group dynamics activities exhibited no differences in teamwork at the end of the follow-up period at the statistically significant at 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Chalermchai, W. ., Sucaromana, U., Pahuyut, P. ., & Suriyadsin, S. (2020). The Effects of Group Dynamics Activities on the Enhancement of the Teamwork of Student Council Committee Members. Rajapark Journal, 14(37), 188–203. retrieved from
Research Article


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