A Study of Internet Addiction among College Student: Quality of Life and other Factors
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship between the internet addiction of students and their quality of life, 2) to study the relationship between personal factors and internet addiction in students, 3) to study the relationship between the internet addiction and monthly allowance and hour of internet used per day by the students. The sample size were 400 students yielded from stratified random sampling. Research tools were a personal data questionnaire, Young’s internet addiction test (YIAT20), and WHO’s Quality of life evaluation form in Thai (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI). Result: Students’ internet addiction had inverse correlation with quality of life (rxy = -.178, p = .001). Students had mild internet addiction ( = 48.10, SD. = 12.16). and moderate quality of life (
= 87.71, SD. = 12.30). Students’ internet addiction correlated to checking e-mail behavior, online gambling, online game, online pornography, personal video upload, and year level of study. Conclusion: Student’s internet addiction correlated to year level of study, checking e-mail behavior, online gambling, online game, online pornography, personal video upload, and quality of life. The more severity internet addiction the lower quality of life but internet addiction and quality of life did not have a relationship to monthly allowance and duration of internet used per day by students.
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