The Relationship between financial ratios and return on assets of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Pusanisa Songjarean


This research aimed to study the relationship, financial ratios, and return on assets of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the samples used for this study were companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET 50 Index during 2017 - 2019, totaling 3 years, totaling 99 samples. The research results were found as follows; 1) Working capital ratio positively correlated with the return on assets of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand at a confidence level of 99%. 2) Equity Return on Equity was positively correlated with the return on assets of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at a confidence level of 99% 3) Debt to Equity ratio was negatively correlated with the return on assets of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at a confidence level of 99% and 4) The gross margin was positively correlated with the return on assets of SET-listed companies at a confidence level of 99%

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How to Cite
Songjarean, P. (2021). The Relationship between financial ratios and return on assets of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 15(38), 30–41. Retrieved from
Research Article


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