Management Education Online in the NEW NORMAL COVID-19

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Suwimon Mathuros


Academic article on Online Education Management in the NEW NORMAL Era aims to present appropriate teaching and learning management concepts in the COVID-19 era. Therefore proposes as follows 1) Concept of teaching and learning after COVID-19 (Social Distancing), 2) concept of educational administration consistent with the new normal, and 3) concept of the model change. Learning (Change Learning) by studying the educational management context in line with the normalcy (New normal), the administrators must have educational management that is consistent with the new norm. In online teaching in equipment and technology Curriculum design taking into account the differences of each student. The COVID-19 outbreak, which has affected educational institutions across the country, is shut down to prevent the spread of the disease. Making both students and teachers must adapt to online teaching and learning So that the course can continue uninterrupted the management of teaching and learning is accessible to all students effectively and allows teachers to successfully manage to learn. There is a joint discussion and planning of persons involved in all sectors such as parents, students, as well as faculty to prepare both physically and mentally.

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How to Cite
Mathuros, S. (2021). Management Education Online in the NEW NORMAL COVID-19. Rajapark Journal, 15(40), 33–42. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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