The Relationship of Perceived Self-efficacy and Working Motivation on Employee Performance of a Bank in Bangkok Area

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Krisada Chienwattanasook
Prinn Sukriket


This research aimed to study the relationship between perceived self-efficacy and employee performance and to study the relationship between work motivation and employee performance of a bank in the Bangkok area. The population in this research were the employees of a bank in the Bangkok area. The sample of 385 was collected using questionnaires as an instrument for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The structural equation model was used to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of statistical significance. This research shows that the model is consistent with the empirical data: Chi-square value of 176.969, the p-value of 0.000, Chi-square/df of 1.770, GFI of 0.951, AGFI of 0.916, CFI of 0.984, NFI of 0.965, and RMSEA of 0.045. Results from hypotheses testing indicate that perceived self-efficacy and work motivation are positively related to employee performance at .000 level of statistical significance with a 74% predictive power.

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How to Cite
Chienwattanasook, K., & Sukriket, P. (2021). The Relationship of Perceived Self-efficacy and Working Motivation on Employee Performance of a Bank in Bangkok Area. Rajapark Journal, 15(40), 96–110. retrieved from
Research Article


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