Academic Leadership Factor of School Director, Teacher Quality Factor, and Student Characteristics Factor Affecting Student Quality in the Era of Thailand 4.0 of Schools Under Samut Prakan Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Wisoot Detmeung
Jantarat Phutiariyawat


The purposes of this research are as follows: (1) to study the quality level of students in Thai schools under Samut Prakan secondary educational service area office with the quality of learners in the era of Thailand 4.0; (2) to study the levels of academic leadership factors of administrators, factors of teacher quality, and factors of learner attributes in the educational area; (3) to study the correlation between academic leadership factors of administrators and factors of teacher quality, and the correlation between factors of attributes of learners and the quality of learners in the 4.00 era. (4) to study the factors of academic leadership of executives, factors on teacher quality and factors of learner characteristics affecting on student quality in the era of Thailand 4.0. This research was quantitative. The sample consisted of 335 teachers obtained by multistage randomization. The statistics used for the data analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, the Pearson correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression analysis-enter methods. The data collection was a five-point Likert scales questionnaire with its reliability value at 0.94. The results were as follows; (1) the student quality in the era of Thailand 4.0 were at a high level. (2) The levels of academic leadership factor of school director were at a high level. (3) the teacher quality factor correlated with the learner quality of students in the positive way a at high level (4.0), (4) the academic leadership factors of school directors, teacher quality factors and student characteristics factors could jointly predict the student quality of schools under Samut Prakan secondary educational service area office at 38% with statistically significant at a level of .05.

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How to Cite
Detmeung, W. ., & Phutiariyawat, J. (2023). Academic Leadership Factor of School Director, Teacher Quality Factor, and Student Characteristics Factor Affecting Student Quality in the Era of Thailand 4.0 of Schools Under Samut Prakan Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Rajapark Journal, 17(52), 90–107. retrieved from
Research Article


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