The Study of Border Tourism Supply Chain to Response for Tourists: A Case Study of Baan Phu Nam Ron Permanent Border, Kanchanaburi
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The study of border tourism supply chain to response for tourists: a case study of Baan Phu Nam Ron permanent border, Kanchanaburi. The study had the objective of studying the border tourism supply chain of Baan Phu Nam Ron and developing guidelines for tourism development in Baan Phu Nam Ron from the point of view of stakeholders in the area. This research used the qualitative research method and analyzed the data from the primary documents, then led to the interviews. The process of in-depth interviews used the snowball technique for sampling and triangulated checks with the key informants. The key informants comprised residents, government officers, and the private sector. The content analysis was used in a data analysis. The result of the research showed that the tourism supply chain of Baan Phu Nam Ron permanent border, Kanchanaburi, consisted of 6 factors, such as attraction accessibility and land logistics, tourism resources and activities, facility management, services of accommodation with food and beverages, tour services, sales and marketing promotions, and tourist customers. Therefore, the guideline for tourism development in the area was incorporated to create confidence in attraction development investments, local product advancement, promoted product value and identity acceptance, cooperation with the relevant organization to promote and distribute attraction sales, and an overall perspective on attraction management and tourism routes.
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