Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Market for Alternative Investment of Thailand

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Natthaporn Phurahong
Ingorn Nachairit
Natnapha Nilniyom
Komkrit Wongkhae


This research aims to study 1) the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and financial disclosure of intellectual capital, 2) the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and non-financial disclosure of intellectual capital. The sample consisted of 312 firm-year observations from 2015 to 2019. They were selected by companies listed on the Market for Alternative Investment of Thailand and the data were collected from financial statements, annual reports, notes to financial statements, the SET Market Analysis and Reporting Tool, and the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand. This study measured corporate governance mechanisms consisting of independent directors, audit committee, and top five shareholders. Intellectual capital measured financial and non-financial disclosure. The data were analyzed using statistical regression methods with panel data analysis. The finding reveals that independent directors and audit committees have a significant positive association with the financial disclosure of intellectual capital, while the top five shareholders have a significant negative association with the non-financial disclosure of intellectual capital. The results confirmed the agency theory that corporate governance mechanisms can increase the monitoring of managers' behavior and mitigate conflicts of interest between owners and managers. Furthermore, the study highlighted the significant role of corporate governance mechanisms in managing and utilizing intellectual capital for stakeholders of companies listed on the alternative capital market in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Phurahong, N., Nachairit, I. ., Nilniyom, N., & Wongkhae, K. (2023). Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Market for Alternative Investment of Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 17(52), 268–287. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Natthaporn Phurahong, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University






Ingorn Nachairit, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University




Natnapha Nilniyom, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University



Komkrit Wongkhae, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University




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