The Development of Entrepreneurial Characteristics Model for Child and Youths in the Family: Bang-Bua Ruamjai Pattana Community

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Waravit Prasitphol
Chatsarun Rodyim
Apaporn Hasoh
Kwanming Khumprasert
Phusanira Mungkhung
Boonsri Suwandee


The research objectives were 1) to study children and youths on the entrepreneurship characteristics with parents, 2) to study children and youths in learning the entrepreneurship characteristics in a family, 3) to propose the entrepreneurship characteristics development model for children and youths in a family, and 4) to evaluate the entrepreneurship characteristics development model for children and youths in the family. This was qualitative research. The collected data was in semi-constructed interviewing form and was applied to the triangulation data for credibility and validity. The key informants were community leaders, children and youths, parents, and participating volunteers. The results were as follows: 1. In term of children and youths on entrepreneurship characteristics with parents, it was found that children and youths in a family with online and offline marketing would help their parents’ businesses without compelling but with a strong motivation for extra money. 2. For the topic of learning the entrepreneurship characteristics in the families, it was found that 15-18 years old tended to have the entrepreneurship qualities more than other groups of age with the significant characteristics of learning and utilizing the technology, being risk takers, having precise goal setting, and self-motivation. 3. The entrepreneurship characteristics development model was proposed in a 3- short steps course which consists of :1) need analysis to assess the accessible language, utilizing the technology and a driven motivation for being entrepreneur, 2) instructions for both theoretical and practical lessons, and 3) follow-up step for evaluation.For the findings of question No. 4, evaluation of entrepreneurship characteristics development model, it showed that 15-18 years old had an entrepreneurial concept in understanding and implementing on the Facebook Official and Line Official applications. This particular group tended to use these platforms for online business in a shortly time. However, marketing skills and capital supports would also be realized and trained more.

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How to Cite
Prasitphol, W., Rodyim, C., Hasoh, A., Khumprasert, K., Mungkhung, P., & Suwandee, B. (2023). The Development of Entrepreneurial Characteristics Model for Child and Youths in the Family: Bang-Bua Ruamjai Pattana Community . Rajapark Journal, 17(52), 211–227. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Waravit Prasitphol, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University




Chatsarun Rodyim, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University



Apaporn Hasoh, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University



Kwanming Khumprasert, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University



Phusanira Mungkhung, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University



Boonsri Suwandee, Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University




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