Participatory Education Management: A Case Study of Finland

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Krissana Bulan
Pinnicha Uttamawin


This article provides insights into educational management in Finland, serving as a noteworthy example of an education system with active collaboration between governmental agencies and communities. Finland places a high emphasis on education and educator development, focusing on training teachers to excel in problem-solving-oriented and self-directed learning methodologies. The education system in Finland also promotes essential qualities such as creativity, innovation, and teamwork. Gender equality enhancement is also an intriguing aspect of their educational management approach. In summary, education management in Finland underscores the importance of cooperation between organizations and communities, fostering diverse and innovative educators and students, and aiming to cultivate a well-suited learning environment for the future of society.

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How to Cite
Bulan, K., & Uttamawin, P. (2024). Participatory Education Management: A Case Study of Finland. Rajapark Journal, 18(57), 300–310. Retrieved from
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