Causal Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty of Private Parcel Delivery Businesses in Thailand

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Kamonchanok Inthana
Sukumarl Koednok
Worraya Rojchanapaphaporn


The objectives of this research are 1) to develop a causal model of factors affecting customer loyalty in private parcel delivery businesses in Thailand and 2) to analyze the direct influence of customer focus factors. Service quality Customer satisfaction and customer retention affect customer loyalty in private parcel delivery businesses. 3) To analyze the indirect influence of customer focus factors. That affects the loyalty of customers in private parcel delivery businesses. Through the interspersing variable of customer satisfaction and 4) to analyze the indirect influence of service quality factors that affect the loyalty of customers in private parcel delivery businesses. Through variables separating customer retention, it is quantitative research. A sample group Is a store owner and someone who has used the parcel delivery service of a private parcel delivery company. A multi-stage random sampling method was used, with 414 responses. Random sampling. Bangkok Province 178 sets, Chonburi 49 sets, Chiang Mai 58 sets, Nakhon Ratchasima 84 sets, and Songkhla 45 sets. The tools used to collect data were questionnaires and structural equation modeling analysis. It was found that the model was consistent with the empirical data. It explains 92 percent of the variance in customer loyalty. The new knowledge that emerges from this study is that operators must consider three aspects of management: customer focus; service quality, and customer satisfaction, to be able to build customer loyalty and use it to formulate marketing strategies to stimulate customer loyalty.

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How to Cite
Inthana, K., Koednok, S., & Rojchanapaphaporn, W. (2024). Causal Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty of Private Parcel Delivery Businesses in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 18(57), 379–397. Retrieved from
Research Article


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